2022 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 4
Open Stage 2 Match Scores Round 3 

Click on number to view the match result
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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
1Peter GILL - Martin BLOOM6-4-1210
511Nigel ROSENDORFF - Helen LOWRY104-239
2Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES12-1304
512Stephen WILLIAMS - Susan HUMPHRIES131-95
3Steven BOCK - Rakesh KUMAR162373
501Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF14-2-23
4Liam MILNE - Sophie ASHTON2013422
502John MCMAHON - Charles MCMAHON7-13-4712
5Bob SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS103118
503William POWELL - Marjorie ASKEW7-3-4611
6Fraser REW - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN165-59
504Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON11-5-218
7David WURTH - Nick FAHRER97215
505Mike HUGHES - Bruce NEILL2-7-44
8David WESTON - Julian FOSTER8-6156
506Simon ZHANG - Wayne ZHU146152
9Lorna ICHILCIK - Lynn KALMIN18-4-3812
507Gary LYNN - Clive KLUGMAN224-137
10Matt SMITH - Warren ROBINSON0-2-1611
508Elli URBACH - Kevin DAVIES22-116
11Heath HENN - Jake ANDREW0-14147
509Warren LAZER - Pauline GUMBY1414481
12Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY2727551
510Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER0-27-4110