2022 NSW Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Swiss Pairs History  

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Ruth TOBIN - Helene PITT
116Nick JACOB - Jane BEEBY1213.9613.9670.48
230Liz ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE1815.5029.4640.48
321Cevat EMUL - Axel JOHANNSSON110.3339.7960.24
417David HUDSON - David FRYDA-252.9642.7519
518Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY1013.3056.05120.48
63Michael COURTNEY - Giselle MUNDELL-77.6963.7414
734Bill NASH - James WALLIS1314.2978.03100.48
832Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF-243.1881.2120