SBC Valentines Day Swiss Pairs
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5
Restricted & Novice Match Scores Round 4 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
14Gail MCKENZIE - Martin BROWN2316.6455.641
1John RUSSELL - Judith PARSONS53.3641.829
4Gordon COOKE - Ron WILKINSON78.1046.896
3Sarah EDELMAN - Ron SZANCER1111.9049.802
15Kathy DUKE - Ahmad GEYBI1010.0046.657
8Tony WHITE - Mary POYNTEN1010.0047.584
5Monica POOLE - Terese MCKINNON95.7538.4310
12Sue BLUNDELL - Murray BLUNDELL1914.2547.853
11Nick ARMITAGE - Jane ARMITAGE23.6235.1311
10Margaret MAHONY - Julie MANSFIELD1916.3846.638
6Sally MORTON - Derek PONSFORD2616.6446.925
13Victor CLARKE - Paul MOLLOY83.3629.1613
16Paul STARK - Julie STARK129.5027.6715
2Wayne MARRIOTT - Etty MATALON1310.5034.5312
7Jane RYAN - Jane PARKER2717.7928.1214
9Michael EYERS - Richard THODE42.2117.1816