MasterBridge Online Congress 2021
results | boards | match scores
January Restricted Swiss Pairs Match Scores Round 6 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
2Delores GRAVES - Suzanne COLE9.841.8553.372
4Denis MCENCROE - Alison MCENCROE7.99-1.8534.484
5Mary COLLING - Steve COLLING18.337.3325.995
12Libby TONKIN - Greta DAVIS11.00-7.33-46.3112
7Peter MULLER - Eddie GARKUT6.50-10.99-0.667
6Frank HARDIMAN - Mukesh PAREKH17.4910.996.316
8June WAUDBY - John WAUDBY10.50-1.32-3.828
10Sandie ARMITAGE - Phil ARMITAGE11.821.32-23.8610
9Carlin BRUCE - Helen PRICE16.349.84-6.149
3Sandy SPENCER - John DELANEY6.50-9.8440.823
11Dianne PAYTEN - Pamela TOWNSEND9.00-17.00-29.3511
1Gabrielle FITZGERALD - Berenice AIR26.0017.0060.851
14Roy COTTON - Stephen CALCROFT21.8210.32-60.6914
13Chris JOHNSON - Heather YOUNG11.50-10.32-50.9913