2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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George KOZAKOS - Phil GUE
123David SMEE - Derek MALTZ8.6114.1814.18220.27
272Sue FALKINGHAM - Sue MARTIN4.5312.2926.47180.27
335Anita CURTIS - David HUDSON8.7514.1840.65110.27
438Anthony BURKE - John MILSTON-23.581.4542.1037
552Edward HAHN - Angeline CHRISTIE36.1520.0062.10130.27
63Kim MORRISON - Bruce NEILL2.411.2073.30150.27
710Chris DEPASQUALE - Michael COURTNEY-2.228.8082.1020
82Peter GILL - Jane DAWSON29.419.58101.6890.27
911Tony HUTTON - Malcolm CARTER-6.786.72108.4014