2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Denise BARNES - Hamid SADIGH
136Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER-
257Marelle IRVINE - Barbara GREEN18.5717.4121.67380.27
369Sarah STRICKLAND - Paul BRAKE7.3113.5935.26280.27
48Leigh GOLD - Kitty MUNTZ-21.261.9137.1753
544Perelle SCALES - Pat BEATTIE8.0813.8951.06440.27
670Peter ROBINSON - John ROGERS16.9617.0368.09250.27
72Peter GILL - Jane DAWSON-5.847.0475.1332
89Nigel ROSENDORFF - Elliott KAPLAN-21.891.7576.8856
986Elizabeth HONE - Sally SMITH-11.784.7481.6268