2021 Coffs Online Super Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Liz FANOS - Margaret FOSTER
135Anita CURTIS - David HUDSON3.6711.9411.94360.27
25David WESTON - Helena DAWSON-4.537.7119.6549
358Peter CLARKE - Hans VAN WEEREN29.9319.6939.34140.27
415Richard DOUGLAS - Bob SEBESFI-7.036.4145.7527
52Peter GILL - Jane DAWSON-6.766.7252.4737
646Pat O'CONNOR - Kay O'CONNOR13.0215.7468.21240.27
721Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE0.810.4178.62250.14
863Alec GILLESPIE - Dennis RAYMOND13.5115.9794.59190.27
917George FINIKIOTIS - Kevin DAVIES15.7816.63111.22110.27