2021 RealBridge Online
results | match scores | boards | pair rankings | draw for round 2
Grand National Open Teams Swiss Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 1 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

121Elliott KAPLAN - Nigel ROSENDORFF128.014.0
2202Julian ABEL - Heath HENN116.08.0
3102Craig MIETZKE - Christine HANLEY113.06.5
4181Liz FANOS - Theo MANGOS16.03.0
522George FLEISCHER - Mathew VADAS1-6.0-3.0
6201Colin CLIFFORD - Margaret FOSTER1-13.0-6.5
7101Alan BUSTANY - Di COATS1-16.0-8.0
8182Julianne ROCKS - Frances LYONS1-28.0-14.0