Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 2
Open Final History  

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Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER
18Wayne ZHU - Yixiang ZHANG1010.0013.4060.60
212Kim MORRISON - Avon WILSMORE1.161.1614.5640.30
35Susan HUMPHRIES - Liam MILNE7.187.1821.7440.60
42Tony NUNN - Paul DALLEY-2.49-2.4919.255
56Liz ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE-11.02-11.028.237
63Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN23.0123.0131.2450.60
79David FRYDA - Michael CARTMELL22.522.5053.7410.60
87Sophie ASHTON - Nabil EDGTTON-1.83-1.8351.9130.30
910Giselle MUNDELL - Rena KAPLAN16.8316.8368.7410.60
101Julian FOSTER - David WESTON10.8310.8379.5710.60
1111Sartaj HANS - Avinash KANETKAR77.0086.5710.60