2017 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 4
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Gary SNOW - Peter COX
123Rakesh KUMAR - Julian ABEL-29.309.3014
27David FRYDA - Anita CURTIS612.1021.40120.18
312Helene PITT - Susan HUMPHRIES110.3531.75100.09
411Helen LOWRY - Frances LYONS010.0041.75140.09
519Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER311.0552.80110.18
62Andy SEBESTYEN - Ferenc BUDAI-67.9060.7012
713Henry CHU - Michael DRAPER-125.8066.5017
821Nico RANSON - Christopher RHODES-291.3067.8022
916Jane BISCOE - Liz SYLVESTER1314.4782.27190.18