2014 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 3
Seniors' ITS Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 2 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

132Robert SEBESFI - Peter JEFFERY250.041.5
241Tina ZINES - Tony ONG248.038.8
312Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS126.024.0
492George FINIKIOTIS - Gary LANE29.014.3
581Robert KROCHMALIK - Brian BEDKOBER217.013.5
611Helen LOWRY - Berenice FOLKARD12.04.3
772Kevin DAVIES - Lester KALMIN20.03.5
842Michael WU - William ZHANG212.01.3
922Kinga MOSES - Neville MOSES15.00.0
1021Elly URBACH - Neil PERRY16.0-3.3
1191Toni SHARP - Kim MORRISON2-8.0-4.0
1251Bijan ASSAEE - Margaret KLASSEN2-11.0-5.0
1371Les GREWCOCK - Steven BOCK2-23.0-7.5
1431Richard DOUGLAS - David VAUGHAN1-5.0-10.8
1561George BILSKI - Nicky STRASSER2-20.0-14.5
1682Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS1-13.0-15.8
1733Andrew MARKOVICS - Nigel ROSENDORFF1-17.0-17.0
1852Normand MACLAURIN - Michael DRAPER2-23.0-21.3
1962Marlene WATTS - Paul LAVINGS2-37.0-22.0