2014 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 2 | cross table
Open Final History  

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Peter BUCHEN - Terry BROWN
17Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES1013.1817.1850.84
23Nye GRIFFITHS - David BEAUCHAMP-253.4520.639
34Nicky STRASSER - George BILSKI-87.3928.0210
41Peter JEFFERY - Les GREWCOCK2917.2445.2660.84
512Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE1013.1858.4450.84
62Barbara MCDONALD - Alan WALSH612.0170.4550.84
78Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER511.7082.1540.84
86Kevin DAVIES - Steven BOCK1113.4595.6040.84
99Susan CROMPTON - Michael WILKINSON-19.64105.2440.42
1011William ZHANG - Michael WU2015.58120.8230.84
1110Paul GOSNEY - Candice GINSBERG2015.58136.4010.84