2015 State Teams Metropolitan Final
results | match scores | draw for round 3 | pair rankings
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 2 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

121Betty PRIESTLEY - Mitch DOWLING237.032.0
251John MOTTRAM - Lorraine SCHAAP230.027.8
372Les GREWCOCK - Steven BOCK246.027.3
322Brian JACOBSON - Timothy CREGAN225.027.3
571Gary LANE - David SMEE230.025.8
652Chris WILLIAMS - Ian LINCOLN213.018.0
762Janice HARRIS - Derek MALTZ224.015.8
891Bruce FOX - Bill BOULTON226.014.3
982Ronald SMITH - Anne SMALL27.011.3
10102Anthony RUELLO - Jacek SAMBORSKI229.010.3
1161Kyoko LUIKER - Patricia MATHESON221.09.3
12122George BIRO - Kitty BIRO2-6.05.8
1381Catherine WHIDDON - Alan DAVIES2-17.01.8
1492Paul WEAVER - Terry BODYCOTE29.00.8
15121Tony ALLEN - Kelela ALLEN2-15.0-6.8
1611Ian WILLIAMS - Carmel WILLIAMS2-18.0-9.8
17101Phaik YAO - Dave MAHADEVAN2-13.0-17.3
1842Michael DRAPER - Margaret DRAPER2-24.0-19.8
19111Patricia LACEY - Carmel BOURKE2-17.0-22.0
2031Joseph SO - Pat O'CONNOR2-21.0-23.3
2132Patricia WHITTON - Claire SCHAFER2-33.0-28.0
2212Don WARD - Joan O'DONOVAN2-41.0-29.3
23112Janette BATES - Annabel MCLEAN2-34.0-31.8
2441Patrick FLYNN - Carolyn DOWLING2-58.0-39.3