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Meet our GNOT Regional Teams
Following the re-opening of travel from Sydney to the regions in November, the Mudgee congress attracted a record high number of entries. Face-to-face congresses are definitely back on the events calendar.

State-wide events remain online on RealBridge, thus offering easy access for all NSW players who would like a high-level game. The State Open Pairs Championships was conducted on RealBridge on 20-21 November 2021. Congratulations to:
  • 1st Paul Dalley - Tony Nunn
  • 2nd Peter Livesey - Peter Gill
  • 3rd Julian Foster - David Weston
The NSWBA Spring Swiss Pairs congress, which was run on the Sunday of the State Pairs weekend, was won by Richard Douglas and Bob Sebesfi. Full results can be found on the NSWBA website.
2021 State Open Championships were won by Tony Nunn and Paul Dalley. Peter Livesey and Peter Gill came 2nd, Julian Foster and David Weston 3rd. 
In 2021 the NSWBA will send 22 teams to the Grand National Open Teams Final (GNOT) - 7 of these will come from the Sydney Metropolitan region, the remainder from elsewhere in NSW. Most of the Country Regional Teams have been selected - team photos are below.
The GNOT National Finals will be held from 26-28 November on RealBridge. Delayed kibitzing for all matches in the GNOT will be available via the RealBridge kibitz server, please check the timetable and click here to kibitz.
The NSWBA Monday Night Championships offer high level competitive games in NSW. They will continue to be run online on RealBridge, so any NSW player can participate without the barrier of geographical distance. The next Monday night will be the Online Schaufelberger Teams 2021 over 4 Monday nights on 29th November, 6th, 13th & 20th December. Please find the details and enter via MyABF.

Upcoming Events

The NSWBA Tournament Calendar now allows you to filter the list of congresses so that you can see which are face-to-face and which are online - the online congresses can be filtered by platform.

Dec 10-12 (Fri-Sun) NSWBA on RealBridge
John Arkinstall State Open Teams Finals

Nov 29-Dec 20 (over 4 Mondays) NSWBA on RealBridge
Online Schaufelberger Teams

Nov 28 (Sun) Great Lakes Bridge Club on Stepbridge
Online Swiss Pairs

Dec 11 (Sat) Central Coast Bridge Club on RealBridge
Online Summer Teams

Dec 12 (Sun) NSWBA on RealBridge
SOT Swiss Pairs Congress

Every Sunday, 2.30pm start. ABF on BBO
National Online Pairs (Open, Restricted and Novice)

Nov 28 (Sun) Wollstonecraft Bridge Club
IMP Pairs

Dec 26-Jan 2 (Sun-Sun) Trumps Bridge Centre
Festival of Bridge
Congress Stories by
Rakesh Kumar

Rakesh continues to enjoy teams events on RealBridge and shares his experience in the NSBC Online Spring Teams and the Jacaranda Teams.

NSBC Online Spring Teams
Courage never goes out of fashion

Jacaranda Teams
8-5-0-0 around the table
A Special Publication by Ballina Bridge Club
The Ballina Bridge Club History 1981-2020
by Robert Eldridge

The Ballina Bridge Club recently celebrated its Ruby Anniversary - that is 40 years since the Club was first established in October 1981. 
As part of the celebration "The History of the Ballina Bridge Club" was launched. The history was written by one of the members, Robert Eldridge. 
To support the Club, please purchase from Ballina Bridge Club at $15 each.
Directors Course
For club administrators
If you represent a club and would like to host a Directors Course, please contact NSWBA for further details. 

For players
To better understand situations that arise when a director is called, Matthew McManus has explained several of them in detail, together with the reasons behind the rulings. His articles are written from the perspective of players – you may find them helpful in your quest to be a better congress player. Review his columns here >
The NSWBA has established a central psyche register for all congresses held in NSW.

The laws permit players to deviate from their systemic agreements so long as the partner of the player who does so has no greater reason to be aware of this deviation than the opponents. Once your partnership has a history of deviating from its agreements in a certain situation you are required to inform your opponents of this tendency.

If you feel that your opponents have psyched against you, please email details of the hand to the psyche register – no action will be taken against players who are reported to the psyche register but once a pair has multiple entries in the psyche register, congress directors will be informed so that they are aware of this history when making their rulings.

A form which can be used for submissions is available HERE.
The eCongress News is a monthly newsletter published by the NSW Bridge Association. It updates you with the latest congress info, interesting hands and analysis from events, and reviewing newly published bridge books.

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NSW Bridge Association
+61 2 9264 8111
Level 1, 162 Goulburn Street,
East Sydney 2010
Do you have a story to tell or a photo to share after playing in a congress? Let us know, we will be pleased to publish it. 
Submit your stories / photos>

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